Screw a Kid, Gain a Vote: Texas Politics and the Children Who Make It Possible
PopMatters Feature | Screw a Kid, Gain a Vote: Texas Politics and the Children Who Make It Possible: "Unfortunately, for all of his 'it's about the children' speeches (and believe me, there have been many), Grusendorf's plan actually screws those adorable little rugrats. A not-so-close look at his bill shows he is more interested in helping wealthy people pay less in taxes than in reducing soaring school dropout rates or helping an exploding Spanish-speaking population learn how to pronounce 'citizenship.' As if there's not enough irony in watching Grusendorf hurl himself in front of television cameras and declare himself the quintessential pro-child politician, when his bill actually hurts the kids most in need, another state legislator has filed an actual pro-child bill that was single-handedly killed last session by guess who: Grusendorf."
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