Sunday, July 17, 2005

Demos may face state party backlash Metro | State: "As Texas lawmakers prepare to vote on a massive tax bill, some state Democratic Party leaders and grass-roots organizations are eyeing several Democrats who helped Republicans advance the controversial measure.

Democrats who vote against working families could find themselves facing party primary opposition just as six defeated House Democrats did last year, Texas Democratic Party Chairman Charles Soechting hinted.

Sen. Frank Madla, D-San Antonio, is one of the lawmakers in the spotlight. Communities Organized for Public Service/Metro Alliance has targeted him for what the group considers a vote against public education and children.

'Either do what is right for children or prepare for battle when you come back to Bexar County,' Father Enda McKenna, pastor of St. Leo the Great Catholic Church, warned of a bill that he says merely shifts the tax burden without significantly improving schools."


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