Thursday, June 02, 2005

Rather than being Job 1, Texas children got jobbed

Rather than being Job 1, Texas children got jobbed: "If I were a child I'd feel used.

I'd feel my cheeks were chaffed from pinching. I'd feel my scalp was sore from tousling.

And now, as I sat on the curb, abandoned by the 79th Texas Legislature, I'd think: The next politician who lays a finger gets bit.

Children, particularly schools, were what this was supposed to be about, this Legislature. And yet this week the 79th adjourned without Job 1.

But understand: Children weren't what it was about. Tax relief for a select few is what it was all about.

That's why a district judge's order looms: Shut down schools Oct. 1 for want of an equitable and adequate means of paying for them.

A Republican Supreme Court could deliver a reprieve to those who would do nothing. Or leadership could arrive at an epiphany that brings everyone back for a special session.

The latter seems unlikely for one reason: Children and schools aren't what this was about. Taxes were."


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