Tuesday, May 31, 2005

School finance still 1st priority

DallasNews.com | News for Dallas, Texas | Latest News: "'I'm not going to hide the fact that I'm also disappointed that lawmakers did not act on comprehensive school finance reform,' Mr. Perry said.

He suggested, once again, that a compromise is close on the education overhaul and that lawmakers will continue to work during the recess. If they can reach an agreement, he said, he will call them back for a 30-day special session.

There are deadlines attached. The Texas Supreme Court hears arguments July 6 on whether state schools are unconstitutionally underfunded. A lower court has ordered the state to act or face a school shutdown Oct. 1.

'I'll continue to do everything I can to broker a deal between the House and the Senate,' Mr. Perry said. 'If they don't want to work to finish the job, they should make plans for a long, uncomfortable summer when they go home, when they meet those constituents and they explain why they didn't act.'"


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