Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Call a Halt to Pursuit of Cisneros

Tejano Insider: Corpus Christi Caller: Call a Halt to Pursuit of Cisneros: "This exercise in prosecutorial overkill should have run its course long since; by now, it has become a study in senseless persecution.

October 4, 2005

In August 1994, Kenneth W. Starr began his work as the independent counsel investigating suspicions that would become the Whitewater investigation, which then morphed into a probe into the death of Vincent W. Foster Jr., which then begat the firings in the White House travel office, and then into the Lewinsky scandal and impeachment.

Just one year after Starr began his work, another independent counsel, David M. Barrett, was appointed to look into another allegation: that Henry Cisneros, the former San Antonio mayor who was appointed housing secretary, had lied to the FBI in the vetting process. A year ago, Starr closed his office. The Cisneros investigation continues on, now 10 years running. Why? "


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