Thursday, May 05, 2005

Texas cracks down on uninsured drivers - The Daily Texan - State & Local

Texas cracks down on uninsured drivers - The Daily Texan - State & Local: "Drivers will soon be required to prove they have auto insurance or get off the road. A bill approved unanimously by the Texas Senate will create a new insurance verification program in order to decrease the number of uninsured Texas drivers.

'Driving is a privilege, not a right,' said Senate Bill 1670's author, state Sen. Todd Staples, R-Palestine, 'and with a privilege comes personal responsibility. The law is already on the books, a verification system simply enforces the law.'

Texas is currently one of 47 states that require drivers to have insurance, but 20 percent of Texas drivers currently do not hold a policy, Staples said.

The bill calls for the Texas Department of Public Safety, Texas Department of Insurance and Texas Department of Transportation to work together to create a program that would enforce the law and reduce the number of uninsured motorists on Texas highways."

I believe we should have universal minimum liability insurance paid for by a tax "at the pump." I've known folks who have been involved in accidents with uninsured motorists, and what a nightmare it can be. But if you buy your liability insurance every time you tank up there would be no uninsured motorists.


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