Booze, smokes top tax targets
Star-Telegram | 05/03/2005 | Booze, smokes top tax targets: "First they went after Joe Camel. Now it's Joe Six Pack.
He's the latest target in the tax overhaul debate bubbling up in the Texas Legislature -- in the form of higher prices on everything from beer to cognac.
Here's the shorthand: if there's a vice you legally smoke or drink in Texas, you would face higher taxes under a Senate plan unveiled Monday."
He's the latest target in the tax overhaul debate bubbling up in the Texas Legislature -- in the form of higher prices on everything from beer to cognac.
Here's the shorthand: if there's a vice you legally smoke or drink in Texas, you would face higher taxes under a Senate plan unveiled Monday."
Big Macs are bad for your health as well. Should we raise the taxes on them as well? And let's eliminate the taxes on exercise equipment.
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