Friday, June 24, 2005

Hutchison followed rules of etiquette

Hutchison followed rules of etiquette: "Some influential Texans and Republican insiders have felt that Hutchison would handle these matters better than Perry. Perry obviously disagreed and made it clear that he was in the race no matter what Hutchison decided to do. And some of the governor’s operatives tried to foreshadow a campaign in which Hutchison would be portrayed as a social moderate-to-liberal ally and associate of Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-N.Y.).

The potential for ugliness in such a contest could not be underestimated. And the fact that contestants would have spent $50 million ensured that everyone would have been splattered with mud.

Despite the anticipated nastiness of the potential primary, I don’t know anyone around Texas politics who believes Sen. Hutchison would have lost to Rick Perry. Hutchison is a certifiable conservative who has served her party and her Texan president with grace and distinction. She is arguably the most popular figure in Texas politics today. That’s saying a lot."


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